I hope Halloween weekend gave everyone a break from your QLC meltdowns. For my American friends, I’m sure you are all nursing your Halloween Hangovers while watching scary movies today. For my international friends, if you did go to a costume party then join the hangover club, but if Halloween is just October 31st to you, then at least eat a piece of candy in honor of the great Trick-or-Treating tradition.
While nursing your hangover and deciding how to tell me that you got more action dressed as a penguin than you do dressed as yourself - wander through Texts from Last Night and Badger Shout-Outs. Here are some of my personal favorites from today:
- Shout-out to hooking up with Mr. Rogers last night! Of course I'll be your neighbor!
- Shout-out to the girl dressed as the BP oil spill Friday night.
- Anti shout-out to the girl that bitched me out for wearing my blind referee costume. I wasn't making fun of blind people and clearly you don't get the joke. Lighten up, it's halloween.
- Dude, we took our shirts off and set our chest hair on fire. That's a low point.
- Just took 11th shot of tequila. I may puke in my bear head.
- careful of the bathroom.... theres some drunken ninja turtles in there....
- They're here. One showed up as a slutty Crayola, and I think the other came as The Fat Friend.
- i feel like i was in a swimming pool of captain and coke and had to drink my way out
- He's sobering up. It was really bad for like 45 minutes. He cried while telling me how he pictured us eating hotdogs on the beach together.
As my own Halloween wasn’t so great, I thought I would give you guys a chance to talk about your own experiences. Jen got creative being a treasure chest, and I’m anxiously waiting to hear how my friends dressed up as Candy Land characters fared. What did you dress up as last night? Any epic adventures to report? At least tell me about how you saw a Sexy Bumblebee punch a Zombie. Or how a group dressed as the cast of Glee broke into song and dance at your favorite bar. Give me something!
I'm off to dress up as a German Beer Wench and hand out candy to kids....wish me luck!

ReplyDeleteTrying to stay true to character, I dressed up as Ke$ha and drank straight whiskey all night. I left our party and went to a bar without telling anyone and stole the shoes of a boy I just met. Then I made him carry me home... barefoot.
This morning I pulled my hungover self to a murder mystery party where I won a $500 gift card to an amazing hotel in downtown Chicago. Well, now it is a $350 gift card because I bought everyone a round of Jamo on the rocks.
I saw a guy dressed as a wrestler handcuffed to part of a bar and he said his girlfriend was a cop and did it. He was there for a long time so someone went to the bathroom to find his girlfriend for him and it turned out she had puked everywhere and got kicked out of the bar. I dont know how he got out but he got a lot of free shots.